The following table is a quick-reference for comparison of three options:

The Property Rights Coalition’s zoning amendment providing short term and ADU rentals will be reconsidered by the Planning and Zoning Commission in December.
The revised submission follows. If you want to save time, the cover letter describes the changes in this version on pages 3-4, and the actual text of the amendment is Exhibit A, starting on page 5. Everything after Exhibit A (page 9+) is background material.
This amendment is an update to the amendment heard in June, which BCPOA opposed. At that hearing, the commission declined to approve the amendment, but tabled it for an attempt at a compromise to be reconsidered by the end of the year.
It was not possible to reach a compromise, because the parties have some irreconcilable differences. The coalition amendment seeks full-time, remote-hosted Short-Term Rentals and long-term rental of Accessory Dwelling units, and these are two things that a majority of our membership decidedly opposes. Our legal counsel has also advised us that the language for standards of conduct is likely unenforceable. For these reasons, the BCPOA board has voted to oppose this version of the amendment as well.
Normally comment should be directed to, but in this instance you can send your letter straight to the Director, at
With direction of the board, the BCPOA Zoning Committee created a draft standard. In October, the board didn’t have a majority supporting the standard, and sent it back to committee for further work. The primary objections were to provisions 1.d. (a grandfather or amnesty clause, felt to be unfair) and 1.b. (an “adjacent” clause, felt to create too much potential for commercialization). The October draft is here:
The committee’s latest markup is here:
The board has deferred action on this version until after the Dec. 12th Planning & Zoning hearing considers the PRC amendment.