Preliminary Notes on SB 336

At least two bills working their way through Helena continue the PRC’s push to implement the zoning amendment that failed in Bridger Canyon. Like most legislation arising from a small group with vested interests, rather than broad conversations with statewide constituents, these would have problematic side-effects – not just for Bridger Canyon, but other districts in Gallatin County and across Montana. SB214 remains in play, but is currently unscheduled. The worst of the Short Term Rental bills so far, SB 336, has a hearing scheduled for Feb. 24, so we urge you to express your views (see links at the bottom).

SB 336

LC 1007 is now SB 336 in the Senate Local Government Committee. It will look familiar, because it more or less repeats the Short Term Rental amendment the PRC pursued last year. It:

  • declares that STRs – even investor-owned, non-owner-occupied ones, are residential noncommercial uses.
  • requires STRs to be permitted everywhere, if permitted anywhere, contradicting the whole point of having subdistricts within a zoning district.
  • provides a rentable Accessory Dwelling for every property.
  • makes regulation of STRs uniquely difficult, more than any other residential, commercial or industrial use.

This breaks our General Plan and overrides local control, reversing the will of residents expressed by the 56 to 8 opposition to the STR amendment considered by the P&Z Commission in December.

Land use is exquisitely local. As a general principle, state zoning statutes should create a framework for orderly local control of uses. They should not be used as a cookie jar to provide special dispensation for every interest group’s favorite use. Historically, state zoning law has only singled out broad categories of uses, like agriculture, and that is wise.

What can you do?

SB 336 could be subject to a committee vote today, so the immediate need is to express your view to the Local Government Committee.

  • Sign in at
  • Choose Standing Committees > Submit Written Comment
  • Choose On a Bill > SB214 or To a Committee > Senate Local Government

This is a little lengthy the first time, but sets you up to influence future legislation. Alternatively, you can email the committee members.

Missoula has a nice primer on engaging with legislation,…

Update: full testimony below.

1 thought on “Preliminary Notes on SB 336

  1. bcpoa Post author

    Note that the latest version has been amended somewhat, but most of the problems persist. Check the language on the legislature site before commenting.


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