Contact & Email List

P.O. BOX 10514
Bozeman MT 59719-0514

For comments, suggestions, and corrections on this web site: email web at bcpoa dot net
For zoning inquiries: email zoning at bcpoa dot net, or contact the zoning committee
For all other inquiries contact your local board member, or email board at bcpoa dot net

Keep informed via the Bridger Canyon email list. The list is used for occasional notices of important events & developments in Bridger Canyon, including fire information, and has very low traffic.

3 thoughts on “Contact & Email List

  1. Sandy LaPointe


    Do you have any information about if/when Verizon will connect to the cell tower at Bridger Bowl. I have been waiting eagerly but still no signal in the canyon.

  2. Mary McClain

    I just saw a news story out of Helena I find alarming. Please take a look at HB20, it proposes to increase. The amount permitted to determine the mill levy amount from the current 50% of the inflation rate to 75%. This is a blatant attempt to raise taxes without voter consent. I urge folks to contact their representatives and Congressmen in Helena and let them know this is not what the taxpayers want.
    Check it out!


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