Category Archives: News

HB 614 for termination of zoning districts

A personal comment on HB 614 (not formally approved by the board, due to extremely short time):

Dear Representatives,

Please oppose HB 614, providing for County termination of zoning districts.

In 1971, when citizen-initiated zoning was created, many citizens banded together to form districts. In Bridger Canyon, in Gallatin County, that district remains a beloved institution, and we view it as substantially responsible for the preservation of our community, our natural resources, and our property values.

Montana Constitution

Section 1. POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY. All political power is vested in and derived from the people. All government of right originates with the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the whole.

These citizen-initiated districts are an example of the best spirit of the constitution, and have been popular and proliferated, with the most recent request in Gallatin County just a year ago. People don’t form them lightly, because it’s a difficult process. Yet they provide predictability in land use that is widely appreciated, as a good tradeoff for an administrative cost that is small compared to the value created.

I have been involved in zoning for nearly 20 years, for much of that time as chairman of Bridger Canyon Property Owners’ Association, which represents about 250 households in a rural district. I fully recognize that the success of citizen-initiated districts has become a challenge for the counties, due to the complexity of administering districts with distinct goals and regulations. We as citizens would value harmonization as much as the county, because it would reduce errors, improve consistency, and perhaps reduce the costs that drive our taxes a tiny bit.

However, we don’t want a unilateral termination process that could be used to pound our diverse districts into a top-down framework without more citizen input that HB 614 provides. Ideally, a termination bill would provide a way for Commissioners to initiate a referendum, so that citizens could decide the fate of their district, as then did when it was formed. Minimally, a termination bill MUST provide more notice and due process than an ordinary hearing affords. This is an extraordinary event, that could be expected to happen once a century, not once a month. A termination bill should also provide standards for an encompassing district and an orderly process for preservation of legacy approvals, similar to nonconforming uses.

Provide the citizens with an attractive, open, bottom-up process, and I am certain that we will respond with enthusiasm for harmonization. Top-down termination will, I fear, lead to discord.


Tom Fiddaman

Bozeman/Bridger Canyon

Preliminary Notes on SB 336

At least two bills working their way through Helena continue the PRC’s push to implement the zoning amendment that failed in Bridger Canyon. Like most legislation arising from a small group with vested interests, rather than broad conversations with statewide constituents, these would have problematic side-effects – not just for Bridger Canyon, but other districts in Gallatin County and across Montana. SB214 remains in play, but is currently unscheduled. The worst of the Short Term Rental bills so far, SB 336, has a hearing scheduled for Feb. 24, so we urge you to express your views (see links at the bottom).

SB 336

LC 1007 is now SB 336 in the Senate Local Government Committee. It will look familiar, because it more or less repeats the Short Term Rental amendment the PRC pursued last year. It:

  • declares that STRs – even investor-owned, non-owner-occupied ones, are residential noncommercial uses.
  • requires STRs to be permitted everywhere, if permitted anywhere, contradicting the whole point of having subdistricts within a zoning district.
  • provides a rentable Accessory Dwelling for every property.
  • makes regulation of STRs uniquely difficult, more than any other residential, commercial or industrial use.

This breaks our General Plan and overrides local control, reversing the will of residents expressed by the 56 to 8 opposition to the STR amendment considered by the P&Z Commission in December.

Land use is exquisitely local. As a general principle, state zoning statutes should create a framework for orderly local control of uses. They should not be used as a cookie jar to provide special dispensation for every interest group’s favorite use. Historically, state zoning law has only singled out broad categories of uses, like agriculture, and that is wise.

What can you do?

SB 336 could be subject to a committee vote today, so the immediate need is to express your view to the Local Government Committee.

  • Sign in at
  • Choose Standing Committees > Submit Written Comment
  • Choose On a Bill > SB214 or To a Committee > Senate Local Government

This is a little lengthy the first time, but sets you up to influence future legislation. Alternatively, you can email the committee members.

Missoula has a nice primer on engaging with legislation,…

Update: full testimony below.

Historic Mapping & Woody Encroachment

The Chronicle covers a new map using aerial photos to reveal long-term changes in the Montana landscape. It’s quite interesting to see how things have changed.

You can try it out for yourself at the Montana Landscape Explorer site.

Tip: the map is easier to work with if you use the full-screen option. If you switch to satellite view, you’ll also find that it includes Headwaters Economics’ wildfire hazard layer.

Montana NRCS cites woody encroachment as a big issue:

Montana’s productive grasslands provide habitat for incredible populations of diverse wildlife and forage for the state’s important grazing economy.

Encroaching trees like juniper and Douglas fir are threatening these services by degrading habitat and making it harder for the families who have stewarded these lands for generations.

The maps for my area date to 1948, and I can definitely see substantial expansion of the Douglas fir forest on Green Mountain. This may be part of the story behind declining mule deer populations noted in the region.

There’s potentially a big caveat: climate impact studies project a huge reversal of the woody encroachment trend. Much of the northern Rockies may revert to a sagebrush ecosystem due to changing temperature and moisture. However, if the mechanism of that forest decline is fire and pests, it won’t be a smooth ride for us.

State of the Insurance Market

We’ve recently heard of a few people losing their homeowner’s insurance in Montana, including one in Bridger Canyon. The NYT has several recent articles on insurers dropping coverage due to increasing losses, driven primarily by severe storms rather than wildfire.

Whatever the cause, this seems like a significant challenge to homeowners in Bridger Canyon. We’d love to hear your experiences, in the comments here or via email.

Short Term Rental Proceedings

Caretaker’s Residence Revocation

In the November Planning & Zoning hearing, the commission revoked a Caretaker’s Residence CUP, on the grounds that use as a short term rental contradicted conditions of approval and did not constitute bona fide caretaking. This is the second similar instance of revocation in Bridger Canyon.

Materials and a recording of the hearing are here:

Switch to the “Past” tab. (See navigation screenshots below.)

Appeal and Interpretation of Use

On Jan. 11, the commission will consider a related question: are short term rentals (STRs) a permitted use for a primary residence. As you may recall, the 2021 zoning update omitted a section drafted by the advisory committee that would have provided an explicit classification for STRs, with some standards. That left STRs in a regulatory limbo: are they permitted, because they are an incidental use of a residence, as the appeal contents, or are they forbidden, because unlisted uses are excluded? The zoning provides a way to resolve these questions through an Interpretation of Use (see section 3.8.b. of the Admin regulation, ). That is essentially what will happen in the hearing, though it will be in the context of an appeal.

The county’s current opinion on this is clearly presented on its STR FAQ page. In short, unlisted uses are not permitted. In Bridger Canyon, short term rental uses are available only the Base Area, not the AE and RF districts that span the rest of the canyon:


STR Survey

Regardless of the outcome, we think it would be better for the zoning regulation to be explicit about STRs, so that permissible uses and distinctions from related classifications like Guest Ranches and Overnight Accommodations are clear. Therefore we’re interested in your opinion, not only for the pending matter, but also a future zoning amendment. Please give us your feedback in the following survey:

The form has three fairly brief parts. Page 1 repeats some questions that we asked in 2016, when the zoning advisory committee originally drafted an STR standard. Page 2 considers some additional questions related to the recent and pending hearings. Page 3 seeks feedback on the current draft, which is now 5 years old.

We’ll share the survey more widely in a few days, but we’re giving email subscribers a first shot at it as you are most likely to have followed these issues over the long term. Please take a look soon, because we’re just over a week out from the hearing.

Update: see the subsequent post for more background on STRs.

Caretakers Residence and Guesthouse Extensions

The Jan. 11 hearing will consider two additional matters: extensions of a pair of Conditional Use Permits for a Guesthouse and Caretaker’s Residence. These classifications no longer exist except as nonconforming uses; they have been replaced by the Accessory Dwelling standard.

BCPOA considers these extensions to be a potentially troublesome precedent. Detailed testimony is here:

Hearing Materials

If you’d like to follow the hearing itself, the agenda is posted at:

Switch to the “Upcoming” tab. The Staff Report is available via the “Related Documents” link in the agenda. Direct links don’t work, so for convenience I’ve uploaded a copy here: 4.a_Lewis_Appeal_PZ_SR_Complete_1-11-24.pdf (45MB) – but for legal purposes you should consult the county site.

navigate upcoming related documents
The Staff Report is a rather daunting document at 383 pages. However, you don’t need to read the whole thing unless you want the deep background. The key pieces are enforcement officer Megan Gibson’s report, pages 1-12, and the appeal brief, appellant exhibit 2, pages 16-24.

Public Comment

If you want to comment, you can always submit written testimony to – details and some advice under the Submitting Testimony heading here.

You can also comment at the hearing, in person or via Zoom.

Property Tax Rebates & Assessments

Collecting your rebate

The enrollment period for collecting your property tax rebate is now open. This involves some absurdly bureaucratic form-filling, but it should be worth it.

Before you start, you may need:

  • A glass of your favorite beverage – this might take a while.
  • Your property GeoCode. This is a 17-digit number on your property tax bill, but you can also look it up on the MT Cadastral map.
    • You must certify that you’ve lived in this residence for 7 months and paid the taxes.
    • An unstated assumption seems to be that rebates are one per household and available only for parcels classified with a dwelling. So, if you have more than one parcel, be sure to get the GeoCode for the principal residence.
  • Your property tax bills (for the total paid in 2022). Be sure to enter the total of both halves of the year.
  • Your property tax rebate notice letter. (You can skip this with no ill effect it seems, but they request an ID number from the letter.)
  • Your social security number. Presumably this needs to match the listed owner of the parcel.
  • Your MT income taxes (for questions about dependents and filing status).

To apply, visit the Property Tax Rebate link at the MT DOR transaction portal.

If you need documentation, or have other property tax questions, they’re administered by the Gallatin County Treasurer’s Tax Division.

The Assessment Mess

You’ve probably seen headlines to the effect that the legislature increased property taxes 40% this year. I’ve seen a variety of numbers between 30% and 43%. The legislature didn’t raise tax rates, but total taxes are likely to go up, because assessments are way up. However, it’s not a simple process: there are offsetting limits on county mill rates that partially compensate for the increased assessment.

Compounding this problem, the state has evidently not been following its own statutory requirements for school levies, which are set by the state. Broadwater County has asked the Attorney General, Austin Knudsen, for an opinion clarifying the situation and constraining the state to follow statute. The Montana Association of Counties has written a scathing letter to Gov. Gianforte, expressing unanimous support for Broadwater’s request, and dismay at the legislature’s failure to manage this situation. Excerpts:

Many of your statements indicate that local governments need to show more fiscal restraint
or “greater fiscal responsibility,” as you have often repeated. You seem to imply that appreciating home values, through your Department of Revenue reappraisal process, should compel local governments to mitigate the impacts when setting mill levies. While this is a great talking point and sounds good in theory, the message is misleading at best and overlooks the fact that county mills are capped by the provisions of MCA 15-10-420. When appraised values increase significantly and the taxable values of the jurisdiction rise, the number of mills we are authorized to levy decreases. Therefore, appreciating values actually decrease our levy authority.

During the legislative session, both the Legislature and your administration had the opportunity to further mitigate the impacts of reappraisal but elected not to do so. The Legislature controls the rate at which Class 4 Property is taxed, and when increases in appraised values for Class 4 Property are forecasted, as they were before the 2023 session, mitigation was an option. The rapid increase in residential property in Montana will result in a TAX REDUCTION for all other classes of property for county mills because we are mill-levy limited. Montana counties will levy less mills next year on all classes of property as a result of reappraisal. Residential property valuation increases will outpace all other classes, and the net result will be a reduction in all other classes because residential properties will shoulder a larger percentage of the total taxable value in any taxing jurisdiction. This is how our tax system works in Montana, and telling local governments to show greater fiscal restraint does not stop the burden from shifting to residential property taxpayers.

The letter further explains in detail how the mill levy formulas work in Montana.

I’m not sure we should hold our breath on this one. Apparently AG Knudsen has at best two weeks to act. He’s broken Tim Fox’s record for fewest opinions written per year, perhaps because he’s too busy defending the TikTok ban. Perhaps he needs a little encouragement:

DOJ email:

DOJ contact form:

AG phone: 444-2026

Gov. Gianforte:

Gov. phone: 444-3111